
S'more Chocolate Chip Cookies

11:43 am
Yesterday, I turned 18. ...



Banana Chocolate Chip Crumb Cake

9:32 pm
  Banana Chocolate Chip Crumb Cake  Adapted from Sally's Baking AddictionNote: This recipe can be halved and baked in a 20cmx20cm square pan (8-9inch)Serves 15 Prep Time: 20 minutes Baking: 50 minutes Cake: 360g (3 cups) plain flour3/4 tsp ground cinnamon 1 1/2 tsp baking soda 1 1/2 tsp baking powder Pinch of salt 150g unsalted butter, softened at room temperature 190g white...



Earl Grey Tea Cookies

7:21 pm
Apologies for the two week break in between posts - I've been working quite a bit recently (I'm employable! who would've thought?????) and I was also going into uni for Orientation which was fun and crazy and overwhelming. I don't think being a first year is even a case of being little fish in a big pond - it seems to be much...



Salted Peanut Butter Chocolate Cookies

5:23 pm
Nothing wins over hearts like peanut butter. It's Valentine's Day and if these cookies don't scream 'i love you' then I'm not sure what does. I'm spending my 14th of February having a girl's night in with junk food and the film Valentine's Day,  just so the six of us will be even more aware of the affection we're not getting. I'll be...



Cherry Almond Snack Cake

10:52 pm
I'm having a real moment with lighter cakes at the moment. By no means am I saying that I'd turn down a slice of caramel cake that is dense as hell and I'm not even ashamed about the huge amounts of peanut butter chocolate I've inhaled. I literally do not care. But after all that it's nice to have something that doesn't put...


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