
S'more Chocolate Chip Cookies

11:43 am

Yesterday, I turned 18.

The first adult-y thing I had planned to do was to go to the bottle shop and get some whisky to make these donuts (I think buying alcohol to bake with is a real indication of how wild I am), but after realising I wouldn't have time on my actual birthday to make them before my plans for brunch, and tragic disappointments to do with acquiring a donut pan and every single homeware store in the city, I worked out that that idea would be a huge flop. So these cookies became a (very good) alternative.

These are just a bit more special than your bog-standard chocolate chip cookie, which I thought was appropriate for an occasion that doesn't happen everyday. These turned out wonderfully as party favours for my friends who came to my little brunch party, and they have been really well received so far, which is a relief seeing as though I was so stressed that my donut plans had gone to waste that I messed up reading the ingredient list and measured some of the quantities wrong. But i managed to save the gloopy, sugary, buttery mixture and they turned up just as well as I had remembered.

Although, it's got to be said that I had no real reason to mess up this recipe because it is so simple. There is no mixer required, no niche ingredients and takes a maximum of 15 minutes to make the dough. Cornflour helps to produce a soft cookie, and the added egg yolk gives it a slight chew just like cookies from a bakery. Let's not forget the textural element from the toasted graham crackers and the melty, soft marshmallows on top. It's a forgiving recipe, and a staple of mine.
all packaged up and ready to go

I had a really great day with my friends and family at The Grounds of Alexandria, the food was amazing and fresh as usual, the service was excellent and it was beautifully sunny. I got my aesthetically pleasing pictures in the famous photogenic archway like I hoped and fulfilled my wishes to see Kevin Bacon the pig, who is h u g e now. What a great pig.

Cakes from The Grounds Patisserie: St Honore Cake (left) and Red Velvet (right) (complimentary from the lovely waitstaff at The Grounds - thank you!)

A quick special mention to my friend Melissa who I know is reading this (hi you lurker) who (almost) surprised me at my house in the morning, gifted the beautiful white cake stand on which these photos were taken and helped me get the gift boxes ready. I am always, always grateful for all that you do. ^_^

S'more Chocolate Chip Cookies
Inspired by Sally's Baking Addiction

280g all purpose flour
1 tsp baking soda
1 and 1/2 cornflour
1/4 tsp salt
170g butter, melted
125g (2/3 cup + 1 tbsp) brown sugar (lightly packed if using cup measurements)
100g white sugar
1 large egg
1 egg yolk
 1 tsp vanilla extract
170g dark chocolate chips

1/2 cup dark chocolate chips
1/2 cup graham cracker pieces
1/2 cup mini marshmallows

1. Add flour, baking soda, cornflour and salt in a large bowl and briefly toss together.
2. In a medium bowl, add the melted butter and two kinds of sugar. Whisk together until no lumps remain. At this point, it will look like a brown, oily, grainy mess, but that's what you're looking for.
3. Add in the egg and egg yolk and vanilla extract. Ensure the mixture is not too warm otherwise the eggs will scramble. Whisk until well incorporated.
4. Make a well in the centre of the flour mixture. Pour the wet ingredients into the dry ingredients (flour mixture) and combine with a spatula until it is all mixed in. Do not overmix.
5. Fold in your chocolate chips. This may be challenging as the chocolate chips may not adhere well to the dough due to the melted butter but do what you can. The dough will be soft and thick.
6. Cover with cling film and chill in the refrigerator for a minimum of 2 hours and a maximum of 3 days.
7. When ready to bake, preheat oven to 170 degrees Celcius. Line 2-3 trays with parchment paper
8. Take out the dough 5 minutes to sit at room temperature 5 minutes before rolling.
9. Scooping 1 scant tablespoon of the dough, roll it into a ball. The warmth of your hands will help it to form this shape.  Place on the tray. Continue until you have about 10 balls on each tray.
10. Bake for 9 minutes exactly, then remove from the oven and place tray on cooling rack. At this point, add about 5 chocolate chips, three marshmallows, a few graham cracker pieces to the centre of each cookie. Return to the oven for 2 minutes, and turn on the broiler/grill on high for the last 30 seconds to achieve a toasted appearance to the marshmallows.
11. Cool on the tray for 15 minutes, before allowing the cookies to cool completely on the wire rack.

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